joi, 18 septembrie 2014

African Wind, Asian Bell

Embark on the wings of wind, listening to the african wind, the asian bell, just like you start a new journey around the world, from Africa to Asia, watching an innocent child or many children playing in the beautiful green-yellowish park among the autumn leaves.

There is another file with drums, that is suitable for your movie, project, presentation, soundtrack or any project you want to create.


Lenght 02:42 min
Only €0.99

Lenght 02:49 min
Only €0.99

My name is Georgiana Alissa but people call me Georgi. Here is my home page: I live in Romania, Europe and work as an translator at New Life Mission.

miercuri, 3 septembrie 2014

Calm Thunder Storm Over The Blue Lake

Listen to the gentle rain and to the distant thunder, while astonishing white lightning strikes over the blue lake. You observe it from the distance and you hear the soothing purple rain, from the window of a gorgeous house by the lake.
Lying in a cozy hammock or on the porch, you're now covered by a warm blanket and the calm nature sounds relax you perfectly. And suddenly you feel like going to bed, so you're closing your eyes while listening to the nature sounds, and in no time you will be sleeping peacefully. Grab now the downloadable mp3 with full track below!

Lenght 05:41 min
Only 0.99 €